By using this website/application, you agree to these terms of use.

Access to and use of this website/application is subject to the following terms of use and all applicable laws and regulations. By accessing and using the website/application, you accept, without limitations or qualifications, these conditions and acknowledge that any other agreements between you and DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. are superseded by the provisions of these terms of use. Regarding the processing of your personal data in the context of interaction with this application, please consult the Privacy Policy, as well as the Data Protection Policy, applicable to data processed through the website and the mobile application, available on the website:

If you do not agree or accept, without limitation or qualification, the terms of use of this application, please do not use it. Visiting, using, or ordering the products displayed in the DAbo Doner application implies acceptance of the terms of use that will be detailed below. For the good use of the application, it is recommended to carefully read the terms and conditions.

The website managed by DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L., a Romanian legal entity, with its registered office in Sibiu, Constantin Noica street no. 10B, ap. 2, Sibiu county, registered in the Commercial Register under no. J32/972/2012, having fiscal identification code RO30876658, legally represented by Mr. Pastiu Daniel, as Administrator.

The permitted purpose for using the application is to obtain information and access the services offered through it. Any use for purposes other than this is not permitted. In order to gain access to the application and the services and information made available through it, you must obtain access to the World Wide Web, directly or with the help of other devices through which Internet services can be accessed, paying any fees associated with this access. In addition, you must have all the necessary equipment to make this connection to the World Wide Web, including a smartphone. DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. does not assume responsibility for the security of this application or your line of communication with it. The term “visitor” of the application means any person who will access the application. The term “user” of the application means any “visitor” who registers as a “user” by completing a registration form.

We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions as well as any changes to the website. without prior notice. By visiting the Terms and Conditions page, you can always read the most recent version of these provisions.

Not allowed:

copying, duplicating, distributing, archiving or preserving, by any means, including electronic, magnetic or computerized, the materials and information on this application;
attempting to intervene, by any means, in the content of this application, deleting or modifying by any means the published materials and information, or attempting to act for this purpose;
attempting to scan, probe or test the vulnerability of any system in the DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. network, or accessing any servers or services in the DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. network, which are not public, without explicit written authorization from DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L..;
the attempt to intervene in the operation of the hosting servers or in the network of DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L., by any means, including attacking them by “flooding” or “DOS”;
using any e-mail addresses published through the application for distribution on mailing lists, for sending commercial e-mails (“spamming”) or for any purpose other than sending justified personal e-mails, without written consent of the owners of these addresses

Availability of the Service

DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. reserves the right to modify or interrupt, temporarily or permanently, partially or totally, the services made available to visitors and users through this application, with or without prior notification. DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L., is not liable to users, any third-party natural / legal person or institution for the modification, suspension or interruption of the services available through the application. DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. can change the content and conditions of use of the DAbo Doner application at any time. The new conditions become valid the moment they are made public by registering on this website and in this application and are not retroactive.

Limitation of liability

DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special damages, including, but not limited to, damages for loss of profit, goodwill, usability, data or other intangible or immeasurable losses (even if DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L., was previously informed of the possibility of such losses), resulting from:

the use or impossibility of using the website/application information;
the cost of procuring complementary goods or services resulting from any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained, messages received, transactions initiated through/from the website/application;
unauthorized access to, or damage to, transmissions or user data;
statements or actions of any third party on the website/application services;
any other issue related to website/application services.
If it is considered that any material made available on the website/application, posted on the website/application by third parties or users, violates copyright or any other rights, it is necessary to report this situation to the correspondence address Sibiu, str. Șoseaua Alba Iulia , no. 112, Sibiu county or to the e-mail address

This website/application is provided as is without any other warranties. DABO INTERNAțIONAL S.R.L. is not and cannot be responsible for mismatches, unavailability or other defects of this website/application or its content.